Vi este teste no blog do Arnaldo, e senti-me na obrigação de o fazer.
Mas não era preciso tanto. Eu sou boa pessoa.
Eu faço os trabalhos de casa e já ajudei velhinhas a atravessar a rua.
Não percebo.
Yikes! Looks like you're L —, Lor —, it's too scary to even say! So we'll just call you You-Know-Who. You want nothing more in life than to take over the world, commit dastardly deeds, and capture Harry Potter once and for all. Okay, maybe that's going a bit too far. But admit it, there's nothing more fun than some dark magic — or at least a good practical joke now and then.
While you seem a little scary, you just know that being good all the time can be so boring. So if people aren't giving you as much love as you want, it's probably just because they're afraid you might place a deadly spell on them. Boo!
3 comentários:
Deves ser boa deves!!!! LOL!
Segundo o teste sou a Ginny Weasley! Nada mau, ãh?
Ah ah ah ah
Lord Voldemort hã???
Eu depois do teste do serial killer já acredito em tudo!
ah ah ah ah
Não sejas assim, afinal de contas se não fosse o Harry Potter era um miúdo como os outros...
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